Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Importance and Benefits of Wetlands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Importance and Benefits of Wetlands - Essay Example One can imagine the importance of wetlands by the idea that these wetlands provide sources on which the ecosystems are based. These wetlands actually provide support to the entire ecosystems. There are some plants species that can only and specifically survive in the wetlands i.e. water lilies, sedges, cypress, cattails, mangroves and many more other species. These plant species, which are specific in the wetlands and can only grow in a certain environment, are the food for many other living organisms. Therefore, we can say that the wetlands provide food for certain living organisms in the form of different plants. Like plants, there are many other marine animals, which are only specific to the wetlands. These animals are also wetland specific and cannot live in any other area except wetland. The rate of moisture can be seasonal or permanent on these wetlands. Similarly, in these wetlands the water can be different depending upon the nature of wetland. It can be fresh water, salt wat er, marshes, brackish water. The water present on the wetlands can be used in different ways. Like many other things in the natural environment, the wetlands are also disturbed by the human activities. The human beings are using these wet lands for their own construction and other purposes. Another reason behind the problems with the wetlands is the increasing rate of pollution and specially water pollution. These pollution resources are actually destroying the natural habitat of many species, which are specific to the wetlands and cannot grow with a wetland area. The negative impacts of human activities are very clear on these wetlands because they are being cleared or eroded by the human beings. This erosion may destroy the natural chemical makeup of all the species, which are related to the habitat of wetlands and thus a major portion of the wetlands can be shattered.

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